Diversifying Clinical Psychology Chicago 2020

a group of clinical psychology programs committed to recruiting students from under-represented backgrounds into the clinical psychology pipeline
Beginning in 2016, our programs came together to host an event devoted to providing information and support to prepare applicants to be successful in reaching their goals and making their mark on our field. In 2019, we expanded our reach beyond the Chicago-land area to include our colleagues at Southern Illinois and Northern Illinois University. And, now, in 2020, we are doing a virtual event and hoping to increase our reach to applicants across the country. Click here to register.

Dr. Dakari Quimby (left) was a graduate student at Loyola University Chicago when he thought of the idea for this event. He is now a Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry & the Behavioral Sciences at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. He received his BA from Washington University in St. Louis in 2012 and his PhD in clinical psychology from Loyola University Chicago in 2018. A licensed psychologist, Dr. Dakari's work focuses on interventions that capitalize on strengths within marginalized communities. Dr. Dakari has led a variety of research projects and published multiple articles examining trauma, social equity, and strategies to promote resilience amidst people of color. He aims to empower communities and promote their healing through therapy, workshops, and various forms of community building. He has generously made himself available to prospective applicants @ dquimy08@gmail.com.

Explore the Website
Take Part
Go For It
Complete the form below to make sure that you don't miss out on the zoom links for the open houses and panels.
Review resources and presentations and slides prepared by the participating programs. Get connected on twitter using this hashtag #DivClinPsych_Chi.
Get ready for an exciting day on Saturday, November 7th beginning at 9:00 am. Feel free to pop in and out of sessions as your schedule permits. If you can't make it to the live sessions, follow along on twitter!
Follow-up by completing the survey about the event, keep engaging on twitter, and indicate that you attended this event in your application materials..